Saturday, November 3, 2012

Finishing off...putting it off!

I'm having a few problems finishing off each project. I now have literally hundreds of ends to sew in, and I'm procrastinating big time.

It's one of the reasons I haven't uploaded any photos to date - I haven't actually finished anything off fully. A huge sense of relief, and accomplishment, descends when I have finished the last stitch, rapidly followed by too much eager anticipation of my next endeavour that I rush to make a start straight away.

I really need to form new habits, or I will soon find myself with a huge pile of almost completed items.

That being said, I am currently working on Attic 24's wonderful crochet bag and so I can't wait for the finished product, but I have promised myself sternly that I will not start another new project until all my loose ends are literally sewn up!

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