Saturday, November 3, 2012

Scarf and beanie

So, writing a post about procrastinating did the trick. I've finally finished the scarf and one of the beanies!

 I designed this myself after searching high and low for a pattern that I wanted. I wanted something easy to make, quick to grow but with a bit of texture. My daughter chose the yarn - very cheap 8 ply from Kmart, inspired by her favourite Guylian chocolates! Here's a bit more detail:

This is a 'ferris wheel' beanie. I love it - so easy to do. Pattern found here at Ravelry.

Still got a few more odds and ends to weave in. I really need to get the afghan blanket finished soon for two reasons: my daughter needs it for her trip to Europe very soon - and the summer is almost upon here in Brisbane and it'll be too hot to have a blanket wrapped round my legs!

Finishing off...putting it off!

I'm having a few problems finishing off each project. I now have literally hundreds of ends to sew in, and I'm procrastinating big time.

It's one of the reasons I haven't uploaded any photos to date - I haven't actually finished anything off fully. A huge sense of relief, and accomplishment, descends when I have finished the last stitch, rapidly followed by too much eager anticipation of my next endeavour that I rush to make a start straight away.

I really need to form new habits, or I will soon find myself with a huge pile of almost completed items.

That being said, I am currently working on Attic 24's wonderful crochet bag and so I can't wait for the finished product, but I have promised myself sternly that I will not start another new project until all my loose ends are literally sewn up!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fallen in love with crochet

So, I've recently taken up crochet again -  I say 'again', but to be honest I only ever crocheted as a child, and even then I was more of a reluctant knitter. It was a pastime I endured to appease my mother more than anything else. I never really considered myself as creative. I'm lousy at art, cannot draw and was (and no doubt, still am) useless with a sewing machine. But my knitting was never that shabby. My lack of patience prevented me from completing an awful lot.

So my latest dive into all things creative took me a little by surprise. I have fallen in love with crochet. It is a marvellous way to pass the time - and really, very relaxing. It all started with my teenage daughter's impending trip to Europe in December. Living in sunny Queensland for the last 10 years has meant that she cannot remember her experience with winter. She is going to freeze. And so I decided to make her a beanie. I knitted one to begin with using circular needles and some cheap Marvel yarn I picked up in Spotlight. It took me 3 days.... unbelievable. But then my younger daughter challenged me to crochet something. And so a second beanie was born... and completed in less than 24 hours.

I was hooked, if you'll pardon the pun.

Since then, I have made an afghan blanket, a slouchy hat (which isn't as slouchy as we'd thought so I have plans for another one) and I'm just about to finish a scarf. I'll upload photos of my 'collection' (!) very soon.

Watch this space...